Home Inspection
Information From
Alban Home
Inspection Service

May '06

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From The Desk of
Arthur Lazerow


We are pleased to announce an alliance between Alban Home Inspection Service and Brink’s Home Security. Brinks Home Security has been the leading name in security for 150 years. Since we do not inspect alarm systems, we found an internationally known company that could provide this service for our clients. Brinks Home Security will provide a free inspection of the alarm system in homes that have security systems. All home buying clients of Alban Home Inspection Service will also receive a 90- day limited structural and mechanical warranty provided by Brinks Home Security free of charge. Offered by American Home Warranty Company, this warranty covers many aspects of our home inspections. The warranty starts the day of the inspection and runs for 90 days or three weeks after the closing whichever is longer.
Each home buying client of Alban Home Inspection Service will have the opportunity to either upgrade their existing alarm system or have a new system installed by Brinks Home Security at no charge. A monitoring agreement is required to receive the free installation. If a client chooses to take advantage of the offer from Brinks Home Security, they will also receive a $50 Gift Card from Target Department Stores free of charge. Our alliance with Brinks and American Home Warranty Company is one more reason why an Alban home inspection provides a unique value. This is one more layer of protection for your client. Every Realtor can feel comfortable recommending Alban to your home buying clients for their home inspection and environmental testing needs.

Alban To The Next Level
With Personnel Promotions

Over the past twelve years, Alban Home Inspection Service, Inc. has been blessed with an extraordinarily strong staff. Quintin Satterfield is one of the area’s most experienced lead- based paint inspectors and is universally admired by the clients he serves. Our home inspectors are topnotch. Our main office staff, Terry Toms in financial management and bookkeeping, Tina Yarborough in scheduling and administration and Sandra Watkins, our general manager and head of the lead- based paint inspection division, produce an extremely well managed and efficient headquarters operation. Alban is truly the sum of our people. In this regard, I am very pleased to announce the return of Melissa Brois as our marketing consultant and the promotion of Marty Blackwood and Rodney Shull into management responsibility.
She’s back! After three gloriously productive years with Alban as our marketing director and responsible for Realtor relations, Melissa’s income serious eroded with the downturn in the number of home inspections. She was forced last fall to find other employment to help support her family. While with Alban,
Melissa designed the presentation folder and its inserts, established our radio program, Real Estate Today, made significant improvement to our corporate brochure, developed our portable corporate table top display and much more. Melissa has decided to establish her own marketing consulting business and has accepted two clients, Alban and and another well-known company within the real estate






industry. She will ensure that Alban’s
marketing programs are interesting and productive. She is already responsible for our 4-month gift program. During April, each client and the referring Realtor received a copy of Tom Feiza’s excellent book How to Operate Your Home. In May, each client and the referring Realtor will each receive a free radon test. What a great idea. More to come in June and July for our clients and their Realtors. We are so pleased to have Melissa Brois on the Alban team once again. Having Melissa back makes Alban a complete company.

Marty Blackwood and Rodney Shull are Alban’s most prolific home inspectors. For the past several years, they have run neck and neck for the Iron Man title. In his quiet way, however, Rodney has taken the title the last two years. Nonetheless, I have asked Marty and Rodney to assume added management responsibilities beyond their current roles as home inspectors.
Marty has been appointed to the position of Chief Inspector. His education, designation as a Registered Architect, and years of experience with construction make him uniquely qualified. His role will be to review inspection protocols, answer inspector questions or concerns, resolve problems during inspections and help Rodney Shull from time to time with client callback issues. He will also prepare a periodic newsletter to our inspectors to keep

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Alban is proud to offer FREE Continuing Education Courses in Real Estate Offices! Call Tina to schedule one of our educational seminars, for additional information, or to schedule our services at 800-822-7200 or 301-662-6565.

ALBAN ANNOUNCES RADIO SHOW! Check out Arthur Lazerow, President of Alban Home Inspection Service, the co-host on WMET 1160 AM Intelligent Radio Real Estate Today! Saturdays 10 to 11 AM!


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