Home Inspection
Information From
Alban Home
Inspection Service

October  '04

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Home of All Ages-Need An Inspection

The age of a home is an important factor in determining a property’s desirability, condition and, ultimately, its marketability. Anyone interested in buying a property — of any age — should engage a professional inspector to evaluate the major systems and the entire home. Not every home ages in the same way or at the same pace. Use, weather, location and wear and tear all make a difference. In general, though, the following rules of thumb apply. 
In a new home, the client can — and should — expect a finished product that is virtually problem-free. It may need minor repairs to correct poorly wired circuits, cracked roof shingles, binding doors, dirty HVAC filter vents, missing hardware, scratches in hardwood finishes and chipped paint. But any sign of foundation settling, soil erosion, water intrusion, or improperly functioning appliances should be considered a red flag. 
• A property that is 2-10 years old should remain mechanically and structurally sound but may show some aging due to routine wear and tear. Although the foundation should be fully settled, unresolved drainage problems may still cause damage. The client should make sure routine items — 


such as caulking and painting — are checked during the inspection, and that all mechanical and electrical systems are reviewed. 

• A house 11-20 years old will begin to show additional signs of aging.
The need for repairs and replacements
will become more frequent as such components as roofing shingles, cosmetic and wood surfaces and sealants begin to wear. Original appliances will be reaching the end of their life expectancy. But structural elements — such as major electrical and mechanical equipment — should still be adequate. 
As the structure ages into its third and fourth decades, settling or movement in the floors, foundation, walls and ceilings is common. Your client should also expect to replace such major systems and components as the air

Continued on back page.



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From the Desk of Arthur S.Lazerow
Fee Refund and Sloppy Scheduling

FULL FEE REFUND PROGRAM. Must be the full moon effect, but for the last several months we have had repeated and unpleasant conversations with Realtors who recommended clients to Alban, who read the words "Full Fee Refund Program" and failed to pay attention to the limitations. Here are the limitations: 
1. Sales price must be under $300,000.
2. A binding contract of purchase must have been
executed for a residential, owner-occupied acquisition. No refunds on pre-offer inspections. 
3. Environmental testing fees cannot be refunded.
4. A request for refund must be received within 90
days of the inspection date. 
5. Alban will either refund the home inspection fee
or perform one additional similarly priced inspection for free. A third inspection is not free. 
2004 has been an extremely busy year for home inspections. Each inspection must be scheduled, computerized, communicated to the inspector, and of course, it must be performed. It seems conducting the inspection is the easy part. Gretchen Wright, our scheduling secretary, must have rescheduled, postponed or cancelled twenty-five percent of our appointments this year. 
We ask Realtors not to schedule an inspection until
the deal is set. We understand that real estate transactions can be fluid, but it is unfair to our inspectors to reserve an inspection time for a deal that has not been finalized and then cancel at the last minute. Last minute cancellations leave the inspector without the opportunity to earn an income during that period. This is why we charge a fee for cancellations within 24 hours of the scheduled inspection. Please, help us in this regard. Thanks.




ALBAN ANNOUNCES RADIO SHOW! Check out Arthur Lazerow, President of Alban Home Inspection Service, the co-host on WMET 1160 AM Intelligent Radio Real Estate Today! Saturdays 10 to 11 AM!

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